For weCare Africa, empowering children as catalysts for the sustainable eradication of poverty in rural sub-Saharan Africa is core to our mission. We aim to achieve this by providing strategic educational resources to underserved communities to enable children achieve a well-rounded primary and secondary education.


We envision a new Africa where poverty is discussed only in historical contexts. weCare Africa is committed to transforming disadvantaged rural communities to villages that prosper by using education as an economic stepping stone.


We are boldly guided by our commitment to our mission. In order to build trust from our partners and the communities we invest in, we have made transparency a key principle of our organization. Our passion for what we do ensures that every program and project is completed in a manner that maximizes the direct and immediate benefits to the beneficiaries and their communities. While our current focus is on disadvantaged rural communities in Nigeria, we are committed to extending our impact to other countries in sub-Saharan Africa in the coming years.